What is School Site Council (SSC) and what are they responsible for?
- It is comprised of at least 10 members. These members include the principal, other staff, teachers, and parents/guardian/community members. All members must be elected except the principal.
- Respond to recommendations made by ELAC.
- Develop, review and adopt the SPSA in consultation with relevant stakeholders. Review and revise annually, to align all goals, strategies and categorical funds to the identified instructional needs of students and to the District’s priorities.
- Development and approval of the school-level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, the Title I School-Parent Compact.
What is the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and what are they responsible for?
- It is comprised of parents whos children are classified as English Language Learners.
- Provide written recommendations to the SSC regarding programs and services for EL students.
- Advise the principal in the development of a site plan for ELs and submit the plan to the SSC for inclusion in the SPSA.
- Assist with ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance; and review the school’s student attendance data and the District’s student attendance policy.
Meeting Dates for 2024-2025
SSC Agendas
ELAC Agendas